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Year 2014-04-08 
Issue 6

Klemens Szaniawski's probabilistic equality rules

Grzegorz Lissowski
Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

2014-04-08 (6) Decyzje


Allocation of a set of indivisible and heterogeneous goods almost inevitably causes inequality of shares assigned to individual participants of the allocation. Klemens Szaniawski proposed two probabilistic principles of equal division: the Principle of Equal Chances of Satisfaction and the Principle of Equal Chances of Choice. He proved that even in a very simplified situation different concepts of equality are possible. Those concepts can conflict with one another and with the other requirements imposing to social decision making. Such way of investigation and comparing the principles of distributive justice predominates the social choice theory nowadays.

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APA style

Lissowski, Grzegorz (2006). Klemens Szaniawski's probabilistic equality rules. https://journal.kozminski.edu.pl/index.php/decyzje/article/view/163

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Lissowski, Grzegorz. Lissowski, G. . “Klemens Szaniawski's Probabilistic Equality Rules”. 2014-04-08. Decyzje, no. 6, 2006, p. 5 32.

Chicago style

Lissowski, Grzegorz. Lissowski, Grzegorz . “Klemens Szaniawski's Probabilistic Equality Rules”. Decyzje, Decyzje, no. 6 (2006): 5 32. https://journal.kozminski.edu.pl/index.php/decyzje/article/view/163.