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Coaching Review

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Year 2012 
Volume 1/2012 
Issue 4

Czy analiza transakcyjna może być użyteczna w coachingu?

2012 1/2012 (4) Coaching Review


This article presents arguments for applying the transactional analysis (TA) in the coaching. Theoretical notions, techniques and workings models of TA can arrange a practice of coaching. Coaching simply needs many theories as sources of its inspiration. TA refers to a current of positive psychology. It discusses a norm and a supporting the development and it does not concentrate on pathology. TA is the conception, which the language is simply, blunt and humorous.

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APA style

Sokołowska, Ewa (2012). Czy analiza transakcyjna może być użyteczna w coachingu?.

MLA style

Sokołowska, Ewa. “Czy Analiza Transakcyjna Może Być Użyteczna W Coachingu?”. 2012. Coaching Review, vol. 1/2012, no. 4, 2012, pp. 41-59.

Chicago style

Sokołowska, Ewa. “Czy Analiza Transakcyjna Może Być Użyteczna W Coachingu?”. Coaching Review, Coaching Review, 1/2012, no. 4 (2012): 41-59.