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Coaching Review

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Year 2010 
Volume 2/2010 
Issue 2

Cross-cultural coaching

2010 2/2010 (2) Coaching Review


The main goal of this article is to explain the concept of cross-cultural coaching, i.e. the concepts and models that can be useful in a multicultural business environment. Firstly, the reasons are given why the author has chosen to write about this topic. Secondly, the most important terms are defined and the most useful models of crosscultural coaching are presented. Finally, the author describes some of her own experiences working as a coach in the European and Asian cultural environment.

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APA style

Wujec, Bożena (2010). Cross-cultural coaching.

MLA style

Wujec, Bożena. “Cross-Cultural Coaching”. 2010. Coaching Review, vol. 2/2010, no. 2, 2010, pp. 35-48.

Chicago style

Wujec, Bożena. “Cross-Cultural Coaching”. Coaching Review, Coaching Review, 2/2010, no. 2 (2010): 35-48.