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Coaching Review

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Year 2015 
Volume 1/2015 
Issue 7

Balint Groups in the practice of coaching. Elements of psychoanalysis

Anna Jastrzębska
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie

2015 1/2015 (7) Coaching Review

DOI 10.7206/cr.2081-7029.24


Transference and countertransference, resistance or fantasies usually associated with psychoanalytic terminology. The article describes how works these unconscious processes in the coach-coachee relationship. I present Michael Balint, with his idea of a support group for doctors, in which groups discussed processes transference-countertransference, to serve improve contact and understanding of the problems on the line patient-doctor. Currently with this idea use among therapists and educators. The article shows benefits, how may refer coach participating in the meeting. In addition, I introduce differences between Balint Groups, individual supervisoin and common discussion groups for coaches.

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APA style

Jastrzębska, Anna (2015). Balint Groups in the practice of coaching. Elements of psychoanalysis. https://doi.org/10.7206/cr.2081-7029.24

MLA style

Jastrzębska, Anna. “Balint Groups In The Practice Of Coaching. Elements Of Psychoanalysis”. 2015. Coaching Review, vol. 1/2015, no. 7, 2015, pp. 59-69.

Chicago style

Jastrzębska, Anna. “Balint Groups In The Practice Of Coaching. Elements Of Psychoanalysis”. Coaching Review, Coaching Review, 1/2015, no. 7 (2015): 59-69. doi:10.7206/cr.2081-7029.24.