Noise pollution is nowadays an environmental burning issue, as well as a social problem. It is reported to be a strong factor influencing people’s health, well-being, as well as productivity, and mental capabilities. The effects noted occur mostly to be of adverse nature, however positive impacts have also been recorded in certain studies. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the subjective perception and declared influence of noise reported by a group of Polish office workers (taking into consideration their declared sensitivity to noise) and to assess its intrusiveness for white-collar work. The methodology is based on the acoustic ecology approach proposed by R. Murray Schafer et al. (1977) that focuses on the subjective testimony given by the subjects. To assess the sensitivity to noise, Weinstein’s Noise Sensitivity Scale is used. It is combined with a series of interviews conducted with a group of Polish office workers. Results of the qualitative research show the subjective impressions of office workers related to noise and sound, their approach to the issue. They also identify the most intrusive noises, the levels of annoyance, and declared physical and mental detriments caused by the sounds.Moreover, the approach toward silence and self-induced sounds is examined, as well as the preferences towards choosing the sonic environment while working
Celem artykułu jest poznanie sposobów postrzegania sukcesji przez millenialsów jako potencjalnych sukcesorów ich rodzinnych przedsiębiorstw oraz określenie kroków, które podejmują oni w ramach przygotowań do transferu międzypokoleniowego. Ważnym aspektem prowadzonych badań było także poznanie oczekiwań i obaw badanych millenialsów, które mają wpływ na chęć do przejęcia firmy rodzinnej. W celu eksploracji badanego fenomenu wykorzystano metodykę badań jakościowych, w tym technikę wywiadu. W badaniu uczestniczyło dziesięciu rozmówców – millenialsów – potencjalnych sukcesorów. Wyniki badania stanowią podstawę do poznania ich podejścia do przejęcia rodzinnego przedsiębiorstwa. Millenialsi, jako potencjalni sukcesorzy, są pełni obaw związanych z przejęciem firmy rodzinnej. Nie są jednak pozbawieni pozytywnych oczekiwań oraz odrobiny optymizmu związanego ze zjawiskiem sukcesji. Niezależnie od doświadczeń rozmówcy zgodnie opisywali proces sukcesji jako proces długofalowy, w którym potencjalny sukcesor powinien sukcesywnie obejmować wszystkie stanowiska w firmie, zanim otrzyma decyzyjność. Przedstawiciele pokolenia millenialsów w ostatnim czasie zaczęli stawiać swoje pierwsze kroki na rynku pracy, a część z nich oswaja się z perspektywą bycia potencjalnym sukcesorem firmy rodzinnej. Informacje na temat ich oczekiwań i obaw związanych z procesem sukcesji są w dużej mierze ograniczone. Istniejąca luka badawcza nadała kierunek do przeprowadzenia jednych z pierwszych tego typu badań jakościowych w celu uzupełnienia dotychczasowej wiedzy o aspekt podejścia do sukcesji nowego pokolenia sukcesorów jakimi, są millenialsi.
The main objective of the article is to learn how customers perceive the family nature of family businesses in the restaurant industry. An additional purpose is to assess the available for family restaurants individual channels of communicating familiness. A questionnaire survey was carried out using a research tool in the form of an internet survey. 133 respondents, selected for the sample in a non-random manner, took part in the study. The survey questionnaire was made available on social groups dedicated to gastronomy. Finally, 132 completed questionnaires were used for statistical analysis. The results of the study indicate the values associated by the respondents with the family nature of restaurants run by families, as well as the motives for feeling additional value when using their services. In addition, the results of the study show the channels of communicating the familiness preferred by the participants of the study, available for family restaurants. Due to the non-random selection of respondents to the sample in the conducted survey, the survey results cannot be treated as representative. The predominance of people aged 18-26 participating in the study could also have influenced the distortion of the study results. The conclusions from the study may be useful for family restaurant owners, who want to emphasize and promote the family nature of their businesses. In addition, the obtained research results may inspire other researchers interested in exploring the phenomenon of family business. In the literature on the subject, can be found many studies on the subject of the image of family businesses. However, there are no sources that directly refer to the perception of family nature in the restaurant industry. The intention of this article is to fill the research gap in this field.
The article is devoted to the problem of work & life balance in the context of female entrepreneurship. Finding the balance is a challenge for ambitious and educated women. The aim of this article is to identify the mechanisms of achieving work-life balance by women running business ventures. It was based on the analysis of conducted poorly structured in-depth interviews with women who run their own businesses. Conclusions presented in this article, based on the analysis of empirical data, allowed the identification of factors for achieving balance, and these include: support and assistance from loved ones, flexibility in time management, work that gives pleasure, appreciation of time for oneself, organization of the work area at home, freedom in the selection of co-workers.
The dynamic development of the mass media, which has resulted in a faster possibility of information transfer by the media, has caused an increasing possibility of violation of personal rights. In spite of the obligation to respect them, the right of publicity is more and more often interfered with. Particularly vulnerable are people who are well-known and their life brings a lot of public attention. This article is an attempt to determine the content of the image right on the basis of the provisions of Civil Code and Act on Copyright and Related Rights. An exemplary catalog of infringements of the right of publicity based on the jurisprudence of common courts as well as the Supreme Court is also presented. The main part will show how the protection is provided to celebrities under civil law regulations, whose personal rights have been violated in connection with illegal promulgation of their image. Undoubtedly, a unique part of this article is the empirical part, which is a survey conducted among the actors of the National Theatre in Warsaw. The objective of the survey is to present the views of people commonly known related to the issue of the right of publicity.
Mediation is the only method of the alternative dispute resolutions, that has found its place in Polish criminal law. Despite being in force for over 20 years, mediation is still used very rarely – in previous years the percentage of cases which were referred to mediation amounted to 0.16%. The main problems identified are the following: the low level of mediation acceptance by authorities which can refer a case to mediation, the time limits regarding mediation proceedings and the ineffective attempts to regulate possibility to discontinue of proceedings because of mediation. Article draws attention to problems that mediation is facing in Poland. They are confirmed, inter alia, in the Ministry of Justice reports. It also compares Polish legislation regarding mediation with selected indications from the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on mediation in criminal matters. The analysis of the above mentioned made it possible to critically evaluate current legal regulations in relation to applying mediation.
Celem artykułu jest analiza dostępności finansowania jednostek III sektora z funduszy publicznych. Pomoc publiczna jest kluczowa dla ewolucji trzeciego sektora. Popularność poszczególnych programów wsparcia wśród organizacji pozarządowych jest różna. Fundusze europejskie nie są aż tak istotne dla wzrastania instytucji trzeciego sektora jak dla rozwoju jednostek samorządu terytorialnego lub przedsiębiorstw prywatnych. Najważniejszą pulą pomocy publicznej dostępną dla organizacji obywatelskich są środki rządowe. Celem badań prezentowanych w artykule jest analiza finansowych instrumentów wsparcia publicznego. Badania weryfikują również adekwatność dostępnych linii finansowych w programach pomocy publicznej z celami jednostek sektora pozarządowego, które o nie wnioskują.
The development of technology enters every area of our lives. In the work environment, HRM tools and the use of business intelligence in human capital management are becoming more and more popular. Proper software of HRM tools and drawing knowledge from HR data gives enormous knowledge about what is happening in the organization – from the challenges faced by the company to the areas that build its competitive advantage. There are more and more aspects of management psychology and terms such as management neurosis, a combination of management sciences, neurobiology and psychology. The purpose of this article is to present HRM tool such as WinWinNeuroAnalytics, which allows to the analysis of employee reserve diagnostics in an innovative way. Efficiency among employees is one of the most important challenges of modern management. Having specific and measurable information about the company, it is possible to introduce it to a completely different, higher level of management. Big data in HR is an added value for the organization, allowing it to define the difficulties it is struggling with and providing information on the perception of phenomena taking place in the company through the eyes of its employees. Organizations are made by people. They are the ones who know their positions best and have knowledge about the factors that make theirwork difficult and determine their effectiveness. An effective company has a much greater growth potential, and thus more opportunities for development.