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Central European Management Journal

Zobacz wydanie
Rok 2017 
Tom 25 
Numer 2

The Impact of Moderators and Trust on Consumer’s Intention to Use a Mobile Phone for Purchases

Mariusz Trojanowski
University of Warsaw

Jacek Kułak
The Walt Disney Company

2017 25 (2) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.197


Purpose: This paper examines the consumers’ acceptance and usage of technology, which is an important and widely discussed topic. The aim is to explore the impact of moderators (gender, age, experience in using mobile Internet technologies) and trust towards one’s intention to use a mobile phone for purchases (to acquire goods).

Methodology: Empirical research was conducted among Warsaw students with the use of the UTAUT2 model (Unifed Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology), extended so as to encompass the concept of trust. Data was analysed using partial least squares path modelling (PLS-SEM) and the SmartPLS 3 programme. The multi-group analysis was employed (PLS-MGA) to measure the impact of moderating variables.

Findings: Research results indicate that trust has no signifcant impact on one’s intention to use a mobile phone for purchases. Gender is an important moderator of the relationship between the independent variable of price value and the independent variable of habit with the dependent variable of the intention to use a mobile phone for purchases. Age is an important moderator in the relationship between the independent variable of hedonic motivation and the independent variable of habit with the dependent variable of the intention to use a mobile phone for purchases. Experience is not an important moderator of any relationship specifed in the hypotheses.


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Kompletne metadane

Cytowanie zasobu

APA style

Trojanowski, Mariusz & Kułak, Jacek (2017). The Impact of Moderators and Trust on Consumer’s Intention to Use a Mobile Phone for Purchases. https://doi.org/10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.197

MLA style

Trojanowski, Mariusz and Kułak, Jacek. Trojanowski, M. , i J. Kułak. „The Impact Of Moderators And Trust On Consumer’S Intention To Use A Mobile Phone For Purchases”. 2017. Central European Management Journal, t. 25, nr 2, 2017, ss. 91-116.

Chicago style

Trojanowski, Mariusz and Kułak, Jacek. Trojanowski, Mariusz , i Jacek Kułak. „The Impact Of Moderators And Trust On Consumer’S Intention To Use A Mobile Phone For Purchases”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 25, nr 2 (2017): 91-116. doi:10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.197.