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Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

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Year 2004 
Volume 3 
Issue 1

Time, Timing and Being On Time: The Play of Race and Ideology in the Postmodern Political Organization

Charlton McIlwain
New York University

2004 3 (1) Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry


An understanding of the definition and dynamics of time is necessary to the conception of a "postmodem" political organization. Additionally, the nuances of time illustrate the shifting role that race has and continues to play in postmodern politics. This article discusses the relationship between time, race and politics by emphasizing three primary aspects of time: time itself, as the condition for political action; timing, which expresses a particularly strategic process of political action; and being on time, which signifies the fulfillment of political strategy. This understanding of the contours of time is illustrated by the dynamics of "black politics" in the American political system, and among Democratic and Republican party organizations.

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APA style

McIlwain, Charlton (2004). Time, Timing and Being On Time: The Play of Race and Ideology in the Postmodern Political Organization.

MLA style

McIlwain, Charlton. “Time, Timing And Being On Time: The Play Of Race And Ideology In The Postmodern Political Organization”. 2004. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, vol. 3, no. 1, 2004, pp. 14-25.

Chicago style

McIlwain, Charlton. “Time, Timing And Being On Time: The Play Of Race And Ideology In The Postmodern Political Organization”. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 3, no. 1 (2004): 14-25.