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Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

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Year 2003 
Volume 2 
Issue 3

Good Order: On the Administration of Goodness

Heather Hopfl
Department of Accounting, Finance and Management, University of Essex

2003 2 (3) Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry


This paper argues that conventional patriarchal representations of the organisation reduce the notion of "organisation" to abstract relationships, rational actions and purposive behaviour which always and relentlessly presents itself as a quest for the good. In this context, regulation and control is achieved primarily via definition and location. Administration then functions in a very specific sense to establish a notion of "good"order, to establish what is "ordinary"in administrative and managerial practice. In contrast, this paper seeks to explore ways in which it is possible to restore the (m)other to the text of organisation, to restore the body. Consequently, the paper considers the possibility of a discourse of maternity and moves from this position to examine conceptions of matrix reproduction and conditions of exile. The paper concludes with a challenge to conventional notions of "good" management and a consideration of the implications of this for the political in organisational life.

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APA style

Hopfl, Heather (2003). Good Order: On the Administration of Goodness.

MLA style

Hopfl, Heather. “Good Order: On The Administration Of Goodness”. 2003. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, vol. 2, no. 3, 2003, pp. 28-35.

Chicago style

Hopfl, Heather. “Good Order: On The Administration Of Goodness”. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 2, no. 3 (2003): 28-35.