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Central European Management Journal

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Year 3/2021 
Volume 29 
Issue 1

Mediating Effect of Work Self-Efficacy on the Relationship Between Psychosocial Safety Climate and Workplace Safety Behaviors Among Bank Employees After Covid-19 Lockdown

Abimbola Akanni
Obafemi Awolowo University

Chris Ajila
Obafemi Awolowo University

Idowu Omisile
Obafemi Awolowo University

Kelechi Ndubueze
Obafemi Awolowo University

3/2021 29 (1) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.38


Purpose: Studies find that psychosocial safety climate is positively associated with workplace safety behaviors. However, the mechanism through which psychosocial safety climate exerts its effect needs further investigation. Therefore, this study investigated the indirect effect of work self-efficacy in the relationship between psychosocial safety climate and workplace safety behaviors.

Methodology: Participants, who were 155 bank workers (F=66.5%; mean age= 33.9, SD=6.4), responded to an online survey of workplace safety behavior scale (WSBS), psychosocial safety climate scale (PSC-12), and work self-efficacy scale (WSES).

Results: Results from correlational analyses revealed that psychosocial safety climate positively related to workplace safety behaviors. Moreover, work self-efficacy positively correlated to workplace safety behaviors. The mediation analysis using Hayes Process Macros indicated an indirect effect of work self-efficacy in the relationship between psychosocial safety climate and workplace safety behaviors. Creating a psychosocially safe climate may enhance bank workers’ safety behaviors in the period after the Covid-19 pandemic.


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APA style

Akanni, Abimbola A. & Ajila, Chris O. & Omisile, Idowu O. & Ndubueze, Kelechi N. (2021). Mediating Effect of Work Self-Efficacy on the Relationship Between Psychosocial Safety Climate and Workplace Safety Behaviors Among Bank Employees After Covid-19 Lockdown. https://doi.org/10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.38

MLA style

Akanni, Abimbola A. and Ajila, Chris O. and Omisile, Idowu O. and Ndubueze, Kelechi N.. “Mediating Effect Of Work Self-Efficacy On The Relationship Between Psychosocial Safety Climate And Workplace Safety Behaviors Among Bank Employees After Covid-19 Lockdown”. 3/2021AD. Central European Management Journal, vol. 29, no. 1, 2021, pp. 2–13.

Chicago style

Akanni, Abimbola A. and Ajila, Chris O. and Omisile, Idowu O. and Ndubueze, Kelechi N.. “Mediating Effect Of Work Self-Efficacy On The Relationship Between Psychosocial Safety Climate And Workplace Safety Behaviors Among Bank Employees After Covid-19 Lockdown”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 29, no. 1 (2021): 2–13. doi:10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.38.