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Zeszyty Programu TOP 15

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Year 2/2021 
Volume 11 

Zadośćuczynienie za naruszenie dóbr osobistych osoby prawnej

Angelika Skarbowska
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego

2/2021 11 () Zeszyty Programu TOP 15


At a glance, compensation for harm as commonly associated with suffering of a natural person does not seem to fit the combination with a legal person. Adding to above the personal interests – which seem more like an attribute only of the human being, the topic seems to be detached from reality. Nothing could be further from the truth, since the institution of personal interests of a legal person and the consequences of the infringement are set out in art. 43 of the Civil Code (in conjunction with art. 24 of the Civil Code). The case law and doctrine views constantly try to explain what forms of an open catalogue of personal interests of a legal person can be dealt with which makes an attempt to use the claim a bit easier. I deliberately mention at this point an attempt to use the claim, because a kind of abstraction of this institution and still not many court rulings do not encourage making claims. Therefore, the aim of this article is to bring the institution of compensation for the infringement of personal interests of a legal person closer and to indicate the ways of using this claim, as well as to try to create a framework of the amount of compensation that can be obtained as a result of the trial. The above considerations are based on the analysis of the case law and doctrine views in this aspect.


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Skarbowska, Angelika (2019). Zadośćuczynienie za naruszenie dóbr osobistych osoby prawnej.

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Skarbowska, Angelika. “Zadośćuczynienie Za Naruszenie Dóbr Osobistych Osoby Prawnej”. 2/2021AD. Zeszyty Programu Top 15, vol. 11, 2019.

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Skarbowska, Angelika. “Zadośćuczynienie Za Naruszenie Dóbr Osobistych Osoby Prawnej”. Zeszyty Programu Top 15, Zeszyty Programu TOP 15, 11 (2019).