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Central European Management Journal

Zobacz wydanie
Rok 12/2020 
Tom 28 
Numer 4

Determinants of Companies’ Financial Performance Following M&A Transactions in Poland

Marcin Ocieszak
Kozminski University

12/2020 28 (4) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.34


Purpose: This study identifies and analyzes the factors that impact the financial performance of companies after a merger and acquisition transaction.
Methodology: As many as 130 Polish market observations were analyzed with an OLS regression model to verify the research hypotheses.
Results: The results reveal that the company’s size, performance before the transaction, and its international nature translated into improvement of post-transaction financial performance. Moreover, industry diversification transactions and CEO changes in acquiring a company had a negative impact on the company’s financial performance after the transaction.
Originality: This investigation is the first study devoted to the Polish market in the research field of M&A determinants with the use of such a large sample.


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APA style

Ocieszak, Marcin (2020). Determinants of Companies’ Financial Performance Following M&A Transactions in Poland. https://doi.org/10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.34

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Ocieszak, Marcin. „Determinants Of Companies’ Financial Performance Following M&a Transactions In Poland”. 12/2020n.e. Central European Management Journal, t. 28, nr 4, 2020, ss. 51-66.

Chicago style

Ocieszak, Marcin. „Determinants Of Companies’ Financial Performance Following M&a Transactions In Poland”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 28, nr 4 (2020): 51-66. doi:10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.34.