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Central European Management Journal

Show issue
Year 07.2020 
Volume 28 
Issue 2

Towards an Integrated Model of Customer Religiosity: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective

Faheem Gilal


Abdul Gadhi


Rukhsana Gilal

https:// orcid.org/0000-0001-7475-3097

Naeem Gilal


Na Zhang


Zhenxing Gong


07.2020 28 (2) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.20


Purpose: Drawing on self-determination theory (SDT), this article aims to examine the impact of customers’ intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity on purchase intentions for luxury brands. Moreover, this study delves into the moderating effect of customer brand loyalty in these relationships.

Methodology: To this end, we tested our hypotheses with a student sample (N = 169) from Pakistan. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), structural equation modeling (SEM), and moderation analysis techniques were used to analyze the data using SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0.

Findings: The results of data analysis indicated that a customer’s purchase intention for luxury brands is significantly influenced by extrinsic religiosity, while intrinsic religiosity has trivial influence in boosting purchase intention for a luxury brand. Our results for moderation analysis further show that customer purchase intention for a luxury brand is reinforced by intrinsic religiosity when customer brand loyalty is high but not when customer brand loyalty is low, whereas purchase intention for a luxury brand is fortified more by extrinsic religiosity when customer brand loyalty is low than when customer brand loyalty is high.

Research Limitations: As with any set of cross-sectional studies, our research is not without limitations. For instance, the sample size in the current study is purposefully small. This limits the generalizability of findings across a wider population.

Implications/originality/value: This study has provided a framework to explain how customers’ intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity affected the purchase intentions of luxury brands in the emerging market.


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APA style

Faheem Gul Gilal & Abdul Khalique Gadhi & Rukhsana Gul Gilal & Naeem Gul Gilal & Na Zhang & Zhenxing Gong (2020). Towards an Integrated Model of Customer Religiosity: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective. https://doi.org/10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.20

MLA style

Faheem Gul Gilal and Abdul Khalique Gadhi and Rukhsana Gul Gilal and Naeem Gul Gilal and Na Zhang and Zhenxing Gong. “Towards An Integrated Model Of Customer Religiosity: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective”. 07.2020AD. Central European Management Journal, vol. 28, no. 2, 2020, pp. 16-37.

Chicago style

Faheem Gul Gilal and Abdul Khalique Gadhi and Rukhsana Gul Gilal and Naeem Gul Gilal and Na Zhang and Zhenxing Gong. “Towards An Integrated Model Of Customer Religiosity: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 28, no. 2 (2020): 16-37. doi:10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.20.