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Central European Management Journal

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Year 2013 
Volume 21 
Issue 1

Methodology for testing company business models

Karol Kuczera
Uniwersytet Szczeciński

2013 21 (1) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.50


Purpose: The article is aimed at determining the business environment through an analysis of concepts of and approaches to organization management, and subsequently proposing a methodology for testing company profiles considering the preferences of the decision-makers.

Methodology: The research includes literature studies, critical discussion and personal research in the area of the meta-method for company testing.

Findings: The contemporary business environment, which is complex and dynamic, requires adequate measuring tools. Such tools, like meta-methods, should operate on quantitative and qualitative variables, as well as consider the time factor. While testing companies one should not omit the preferences of their decision-makers. The profile of an organization depends on their point of view.

Originality: The image of business environment, which is a discussion on issues involving, inter alia, sources of competitive advantage, professionalism of services, virtuality and telepresence, as well as behavioral and resource-based approaches to management. A proposition of testing profiles of small and medium companies considering the preferences of the decision-makers.

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APA style

Kuczera, Karol (2013). Methodology for testing company business models. https://doi.org/10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.50

MLA style

Kuczera, Karol. Kuczera, K. . “Methodology For Testing Company Business Models”. 2013. Central European Management Journal, vol. 21, no. 1, 2013, pp. 108-123.

Chicago style

Kuczera, Karol. Kuczera, Karol . “Methodology For Testing Company Business Models”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 21, no. 1 (2013): 108-123. doi:10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.50.