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Central European Management Journal

Show issue
Year 2013 
Volume 21 
Issue 1

Innovating the business model

Bartłomiej Moszoro
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny

Katarzyna Gadomska-Lila
Uniwersytet Szczeciński

2013 21 (1) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.49


Purpose: This article aims to analyze business models and their key elements. In light of the considerations on the merits and circumstances of innovation in business models, it presents the results of a panel discussion conducted in this area during the interdisciplinary conference “Time to develop. Strategic thinking in work and everyday life”.

Methodology: Discussion, literature studies, the results of studies carried out by international research centers and the results of a panel discussion conducted during the conference.

Results: As a result of the discussion the Authors conducted an analysis of the components of the business model, demonstrated the circumstances in which changes in the business model are needed and outlined the main stimulators and inhibitors of change.

Originality: The topic of innovation in business models is current and important for the development of both theory and practice, but is rarely addressed in Polish scientific studies. In times of economic crisis, when more and more companies are considering the revision of the current model, an accurate identification of the key conditions is important for the effective implementation of innovation in the business model.

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APA style

Moszoro, Bartłomiej & Gadomska-Lila, Katarzyna (2013). Innovating the business model. https://doi.org/10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.49

MLA style

Moszoro, Bartłomiej and Gadomska-Lila, Katarzyna. Moszoro, B. , and K. Gadomska-Lila. “Innovating The Business Model”. 2013. Central European Management Journal, vol. 21, no. 1, 2013, pp. 98-107.

Chicago style

Moszoro, Bartłomiej and Gadomska-Lila, Katarzyna. Moszoro, Bartłomiej , and Katarzyna Gadomska-Lila. “Innovating The Business Model”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 21, no. 1 (2013): 98-107. doi:10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.49.