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Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

Zobacz wydanie
Rok 2009 
Tom 7 
Numer 4

Excess of Rationality?; about Rationality, Emotion and Creativity. A Contribution to the Philosophy of Management and Organization

Frits Schipper
VU-University Amsterdam

2009 7 (4) Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry


Organizations are sometimes said to be overly rational, and it is argued that more attention should be given to the soft side, including feelings and emotions. In the same vain it is said that creativity and rationality do not match. On the other hand however, one can trace the idea of organizations being less rational than supposed. This paper explores the view that ‘excess of …’ can only be evaluated on the basis of a nuanced view of rationality and an adequate insight into the relationship of rationality, emotions/feeling and creativity. A philosophical perspective is helpful in this. It will be argued that various forms of rationality are to be distinguished.

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APA style

Schipper, Frits (2009). Excess of Rationality?; about Rationality, Emotion and Creativity. A Contribution to the Philosophy of Management and Organization.

MLA style

Schipper, Frits. „Excess Of Rationality?; About Rationality, Emotion And Creativity. A Contribution To The Philosophy Of Management And Organization”. 2009. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, t. 7, nr 4, 2009, ss. 161-176.

Chicago style

Schipper, Frits. „Excess Of Rationality?; About Rationality, Emotion And Creativity. A Contribution To The Philosophy Of Management And Organization”. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 7, nr 4 (2009): 161-176.