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Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

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Rok 2017 
Tom 15 
Numer 1-2

Me, We and Them: Complexity in Employee and Organizational Identity Narration

Trine Johansen
Aarhus University

2017 15 (1-2) Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry


Organizational and individual identities are well-established research areas. One strand of research argues in favor of applying narrative as a theoretical lens for exploring organizational and individual identity. Rooted in a narrative conceptualization, the purpose of this study is to analyze and discuss how employees at a dairy cooperative simultaneously construct their individual identities and the identity of their organization. Based on bservations of employees’ practices as they narrate the cooperative to an external audience, the different subject positions assigned by employees to themselves and the organization are explored. The exploration sheds light on how the interplay between individual and organizational identities manifests as part of everyday narrative practice. The study thus contributes with insight into the complex nature of identity construction and argues that if the identity construction of individual and organization is to be fully understood, we have to explore them as separate, yet inseparable, entities.

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APA style

Johansen, Trine Susanne (2017). Me, We and Them: Complexity in Employee and Organizational Identity Narration. (2017). Me, We and Them: Complexity in Employee and Organizational Identity Narration. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, 15(1-2), 175-189. (Original work published 2017)

MLA style

Johansen, Trine Susanne. „Me, We And Them: Complexity In Employee And Organizational Identity Narration”. 2017. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, t. 15, nr 1-2, 2017, ss. 175-189.

Chicago style

Johansen, Trine Susanne. „Me, We And Them: Complexity In Employee And Organizational Identity Narration”. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 15, nr 1-2 (2017): 175-189.