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Central European Management Journal

Zobacz wydanie
Rok 2014 
Tom 22 
Numer 1

Limitations of cooperation strategy – case of board games and simulation games

Michał Mijal
Uniwersytet Warszawski

Agnieszka Postuła
Uniwersytet Warszawski

2014 22 (1) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.92


Purpose: The aim of this paper was to investigate determinants of choosing negotiation strategies in simulation and board games.

Methodology: The authors decided to use the standardized interview to get fi rst-thought answer fast. As respondents group of students from the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw was chosen.

Findings: Research material confi rms that confrontational strategy is the most popular one which was usually justified by the actions of the opponents. Some of the participants took into their considerations also personal value hierarchy and the results of previous games. Nevertheless almost all students declared that their approach to negotiations was cooperative as well as integrative. Negotiators usually do not consider negotiations as
a holistic process with a variable sum of winnings but they tend to focus rather on their own result. Moreover, distributive or confrontational negotiations are so strongly rooted in participants’ consciousness that abandoning this pattern requires a signifi cant theoretical and empirical knowledge on confl ict management.

Originality: The paper is unique in terms of application of board games for defi ning determinants of the strategy-setting in negotiation games.

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APA style

Mijal, Michał & Postuła, Agnieszka (2014). Limitations of cooperation strategy – case of board games and simulation games. https://doi.org/10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.92

MLA style

Mijal, Michał and Postuła, Agnieszka. Mijal, M. , i A. Postuła. „Limitations Of Cooperation Strategy – Case Of Board Games And Simulation Games”. 2014. Central European Management Journal, t. 22, nr 1, 2014, ss. 88-99.

Chicago style

Mijal, Michał and Postuła, Agnieszka. Mijal, Michał , i Agnieszka Postuła. „Limitations Of Cooperation Strategy – Case Of Board Games And Simulation Games”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 22, nr 1 (2014): 88-99. doi:10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.92.