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Central European Management Journal

Zobacz wydanie
Rok 2014 
Tom 22 
Numer 1

Decision Making in Reference to Model of Marketing Predictive Analytics – Theory and Practice

Piotr Tarka
Poznań University of Economics and Business

Maciej Łobiński

2014 22 (1) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.90


Purpose: The objective of this paper is to describe concepts and assumptions of predictive marketing analytics in reference to decision making. In particular, we highlight issues pertaining to the importance of data and the modern approach to data analysis and processing with the purpose of solving real marketing problems that companies encounter in business.

Methodology: In this paper authors provide two study cases showing how, and to what extent predictive marketing analytics work can be useful in practice e.g., investigation of the marketing environment. The two cases are based on organizations operating mainly on Web site domain. The fi rst part of this article, begins a discussion with the explanation of a general idea of predictive marketing analytics. The second part runs through opportunities
it creates for companies in the process of building strong competitive advantage in the market. The paper article ends with a brief comparison of predictive analytics versus traditional marketing-mix analysis.

Findings: Analytics play an extremely important role in the current process of business management based on planning, organizing, implementing and controlling marketing activities. Predictive analytics provides the actual and current picture of the external environment. They also explain what problems are faced with the company in business activities. Analytics tailor marketing solutions to the right time and place at minimum costs. In fact they control the effi ciency and simultaneously increases the effectiveness of the firm.

Practical implications: Based on the study cases comparing two enterprises carrying business activities in different areas, one can say that predictive analytics has far more been embraces extensively than classical marketing-mix analyses. The predictive approach yields greater speed of data collection and analysis, stronger predictive accuracy, better obtained competitor data, and more transparent models where one can understand the inner working of the model.

Originality: Authors describe the importance of analytics which enhance the decisions that the company makes as it executes strategies and plans, so that the company can be more effective and achieve better results. The key factor that enables to execute marketing strategies accurately and build competitive advantage in the future includes predictive modeling. The ability to predict probable futures allows us to shape the future, rather than
merely survive whatever it brings.

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APA style

Tarka, Piotr & Łobiński, Maciej (2014). Decision Making in Reference to Model of Marketing Predictive Analytics – Theory and Practice. https://doi.org/10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.90

MLA style

Tarka, Piotr and Łobiński, Maciej. Tarka, P. , i M. Łobiński. „Decision Making In Reference To Model Of Marketing Predictive Analytics – Theory And Practice”. 2014. Central European Management Journal, t. 22, nr 1, 2014, ss. 60-69.

Chicago style

Tarka, Piotr and Łobiński, Maciej. Tarka, Piotr , i Maciej Łobiński. „Decision Making In Reference To Model Of Marketing Predictive Analytics – Theory And Practice”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 22, nr 1 (2014): 60-69. doi:10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.90.