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Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

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Tom 19 
Numer 1

Seeking Societal Relevance in Management Studies

Elke Weik
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Mette Kristensen
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Ingo Winkler
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Richard Mee
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

19 (1) Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

DOI 10.7206/tamara.1532-5555.13


This paper contributes to the current debate on the societal relevance of social sciences in general and management studies in particular. Using a narrative framework, we critique what we view an oversimplified discussion of Modes 1 or 2 knowledge production and provide a more complex depiction of various professional academic identities, along with their relation to cer-tain institutional structures and discourses. We show how different narratives relate to – and produce – different forms of professional identities and societal relevance. Drawing on the work of Zygmunt Bauman, we explore three main narratives for defining and creating societal rele-vance in management studies, each with its specific scholarly identities and institutional pre­re quisites: a modernist narrative in which societal relevance is defined by powerful external stakeholders; an interpretive narrative tied to local concerns and interests; and a consumption­ ­oriented narrative in which demand and the will to pay for academic services regulate what is considered relevant. We conclude that societal relevance presents itself to the social sciences in various shapes and forms. This leads to a multiplicity of narratives informing a variety of complementary professional academic identities.

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APA style

Weik, Elke & Kristensen, Mette Lund & Winkler, Ingo & Mee, Richard (2022). Seeking Societal Relevance in Management Studies. https://doi.org/10.7206/tamara.1532-5555.13

MLA style

Weik, Elke and Kristensen, Mette Lund and Winkler, Ingo and Mee, Richard. „Seeking Societal Relevance In Management Studies”. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, t. 19, nr 1, 2022.

Chicago style

Weik, Elke and Kristensen, Mette Lund and Winkler, Ingo and Mee, Richard. „Seeking Societal Relevance In Management Studies”. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 19, nr 1 (2022). doi:10.7206/tamara.1532-5555.13.