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Central European Management Journal

Zobacz wydanie
Rok 2016 
Tom 24 
Numer 3

Improving of Business Planning Using the Method of Fuzzy Numbers

Iryna Kostetska
Lviv National Agrarian University

2016 24 (3) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.175


Purpose: Summarize the experience of using modern methods in the business plan with the application of economic and mathematical modeling.

Methodology: Theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the basic principles of economic theory, agricultural economics and scientific research of leading home and foreign scholars on the theory of planning.

Originality: This further justifies business planning processes in agriculture from the standpoint of raising economic protection of farmers. The methodology for assessing farm income for planned indicators through the application of fuzzy numbers method in business planning is improved.


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APA style

Kostetska, Iryna (2016). Improving of Business Planning Using the Method of Fuzzy Numbers. https://doi.org/10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.175

MLA style

Kostetska, Iryna. Kostetska, I. . „Improving Of Business Planning Using The Method Of Fuzzy Numbers”. 2016. Central European Management Journal, t. 24, nr 3, 2016, ss. 67-61.

Chicago style

Kostetska, Iryna. Kostetska, Iryna . „Improving Of Business Planning Using The Method Of Fuzzy Numbers”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 24, nr 3 (2016): 67-61. doi:10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.175.