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Year 06/2016 
Issue 26

Pocedures for Random Division of a Set of Indivisible Googs

Marek Bożykowski
Uniwersytet Warszawski

06/2016 (26) Decyzje

DOI 10.7206/DEC.1733-0092.78


In fair distribution of a set of indivisible goods it is problematic to provide basic equality if the goods differ in value. One of the most popular solutions to the problems are lotteries. The paper presents seven selected probabilistic procedures: random distribution, lexicographic procedure of equal chances of satisfaction, random serial dictatorship, core from random endowments, probabilistic serial, top trading cycles from equal division and
random priority with infi nite k factor. Some of these procedures always lead to the
same result as some other procedure, therefore these procedures are equivalent. The formal features of the procedures are also analysed in the paper: ordinal efficiency, ex post efficiency, and both strong and week version of: envy-freeness, proportionality, equitability, and individual strategy-proofness.


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Bożykowski, Marek (2016). Pocedures for Random Division of a Set of Indivisible Googs. https://doi.org/10.7206/DEC.1733-0092.78

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Bożykowski, Marek. “Pocedures For Random Division Of A Set Of Indivisible Googs”. 06/2016AD. Decyzje, no. 26, 2016, pp. 59-107.

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Bożykowski, Marek. “Pocedures For Random Division Of A Set Of Indivisible Googs”. Decyzje, Decyzje, no. 26 (2016): 59-107. doi:10.7206/DEC.1733-0092.78.