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Central European Management Journal

Show issue
Year 2019 
Volume 27 
Issue 2

The Role of Internship and Business Incubation Programs in Forming Entrepreneurial Intentions: an Empirical Analysis from Pakistan

Aneeqa Zreen
Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Muhammad Farrukh
Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Nida Nazar
Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences

Rimsha Khalid
Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

2019 27 (2) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.255


Purpose: Entrepreneurship is a vital tool for the economic development of any country. As a fiel of research, entrepreneurship has become a diversified area of study. A plethora of studies appeared that investigate the antecedents of entrepreneurial intention, most of them focus on personality traits and other psychological factors. However, the studies focus less on practical entrepreneurial education such as internship and business incubation. Thus, the current study seeks to fill this gap by empirically investigating the impact of business incubators and internship programs on student’s entrepreneurial intention in the Pakistani context.

Methodology: The authors collected data through a structured questionnaire from students and ran partial least square structural equation modeling technique by SmartPLS software. Findings: The results show that business incubators and internship programs have a strong and positive statistically significant impact on entrepreneurial intentions.

Implication: The current study can help policy-makers get a better insight on entrepreneurship so as to improve its innovation, proactivity, and risk-taking ability and how these factors can amend the lack of entrepreneurial awareness among business students.


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APA style

Zreen, Aneeqa & Farrukh, Muhammad & Nazar, Nida & Khalid, Rimsha (2019). The Role of Internship and Business Incubation Programs in Forming Entrepreneurial Intentions: an Empirical Analysis from Pakistan. https://doi.org/10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.255

MLA style

Zreen, Aneeqa and Farrukh, Muhammad and Nazar, Nida and Khalid, Rimsha. Zreen, A. , et al. “The Role Of Internship And Business Incubation Programs In Forming Entrepreneurial Intentions: An Empirical Analysis From Pakistan”. 2019. Central European Management Journal, vol. 27, no. 2, 2019, pp. 97-113.

Chicago style

Zreen, Aneeqa and Farrukh, Muhammad and Nazar, Nida and Khalid, Rimsha. Zreen, Aneeqa , Muhammad Farrukh, Nida Nazar, and Rimsha Khalid. “The Role Of Internship And Business Incubation Programs In Forming Entrepreneurial Intentions: An Empirical Analysis From Pakistan”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 27, no. 2 (2019): 97-113. doi:10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.255.