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Central European Management Journal

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Rok 9/2022 
Tom 30 
Numer 3

Integrated Cultural Theories on Mobile Marketing Acceptance: Literature Review

Ngoc Nguyen
Hue University, School of Tourism and Hospitality

Edyta Rudawska
University of Szczecin

9/2022 30 (3) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.84


Purpose: This article investigates trends in studies on the impact of cultural factors on mobile
marketing acceptance. To that end, the article provides a literature review of technology acceptance models and cultural models used in research on mobile marketing.

Design/method/approach: This study used qualitative methods to assess the situation of studying cultural factors in the context of mobile marketing acceptance. Various bibliographic sources were consulted, mainly from publications specializing in mobile marketing and cultural theories. These queries were primarily performed through Scopus, one of the main databases of indexed publications related to this topic.

Findings: In the field of mobile marketing, interest in the impact of cultural factors on consumer behavior has steadily increased over the past decade. Furthermore, the research showed the role and impact of each cultural dimension on mobile marketing acceptance. Cultural differences lead to differences in consumer behavior toward mobile marketing.

Originality/Value: This overview provides a comprehensive discussion and appraisal of cultural
theories, a review of technology acceptance theories, and an analysis of previous cross-cultural
studies on technology adoption.


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APA style

Nguyen, Ngoc Thi Hong & Rudawska, Edyta (2022). Integrated Cultural Theories on Mobile Marketing Acceptance: Literature Review. https://doi.org/10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.84

MLA style

Nguyen, Ngoc Thi Hong and Rudawska, Edyta. „Integrated Cultural Theories On Mobile Marketing Acceptance: Literature Review”. 9/2022n.e. Central European Management Journal, t. 30, nr 3, 2022, ss. 112–135.

Chicago style

Nguyen, Ngoc Thi Hong and Rudawska, Edyta. „Integrated Cultural Theories On Mobile Marketing Acceptance: Literature Review”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 30, nr 3 (2022): 112–135. doi:10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.84.