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Central European Management Journal

Zobacz wydanie
Rok 12/2021 
Tom 29 
Numer 4

Analysis of Security Criteria for IoT-Based Supply Chain: A Case Study of FMCG Industries

Hamed Nozari
Islamic Azad University

Mohammad Fallah
Islamic Azad University

Agnieszka Szmelter-Jarosz
University of Gdansk

Maciej Krzemiński
University of Gdansk

12/2021 29 (4) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.63


Purpose: In supply chains, creating a secure space for data production, sending, storing, and analysis has always been a critical issue. The main goal of this research was to evaluate the importance of various security criteria in an intelligent supply chain system.

Methodology: The main data collection method was the expert survey. Experts validated the security criteria and sub-criteria. Then, the importance of these criteria was evaluated using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method.

Findings: The results revealed that reliability and privacy with their sub-criteria were the most important ones among the obtained security criteria for IoT-based supply chain management.

Practical implications: The research results can provide valuable insight for supply chains’ decision-makers. The findings can also be a good reference point for researchers who work on the IoT-based supply chain concept in other countries and sectors.

Research limitations: Limitations of this study are the purposive sampling method and the limited scope of studied companies and sectors. Therefore, the article provides initial insight on the matter.

Originality: The study presents the research problem from a new perspective and gives possible solutions for IoT-based supply chain management.


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APA style

Nozari, Hamed & Fallah, Mohammad & Szmelter-Jarosz, Agnieszka & Krzemiński, Maciej (2021). Analysis of Security Criteria for IoT-Based Supply Chain: A Case Study of FMCG Industries. https://doi.org/10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.63

MLA style

Nozari, Hamed and Fallah, Mohammad and Szmelter-Jarosz, Agnieszka and Krzemiński, Maciej. „Analysis Of Security Criteria For Iot-Based Supply Chain: A Case Study Of Fmcg Industries”. 12/2021n.e. Central European Management Journal, t. 29, nr 4, 2021, ss. 149–171.

Chicago style

Nozari, Hamed and Fallah, Mohammad and Szmelter-Jarosz, Agnieszka and Krzemiński, Maciej. „Analysis Of Security Criteria For Iot-Based Supply Chain: A Case Study Of Fmcg Industries”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 29, nr 4 (2021): 149–171. doi:10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.63.