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Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

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Rok 2004 
Tom 3 
Numer 2

Enron, Postmodern Capitalism, and Answerability: introduction to the Enron Special Issue

David Boje
New Mexico State University

2004 3 (2) Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry


Once upon a time I made a promise to my dad (Daniel Q. Boje), to study the relationship between the presidency and the oil industry. This was before the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and before Enron became scandalous. It turns out that Enron was a major contributor to the Bush campaign (for governor, then President), than Enron executives wrote much of the U.S. energy policy, and that Bush's wildcat oil ventures induded Enron as a financial partner. All this is now well known.

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Cytowanie zasobu

APA style

Boje, David M. (2004). Enron, Postmodern Capitalism, and Answerability: introduction to the Enron Special Issue.

MLA style

Boje, David M.. „Enron, Postmodern Capitalism, And Answerability: Introduction To The Enron Special Issue”. 2004. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, t. 3, nr 2, 2004, s. IV-VI.

Chicago style

Boje, David M.. „Enron, Postmodern Capitalism, And Answerability: Introduction To The Enron Special Issue”. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 3, nr 2 (2004): IV-VI.