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Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

Zobacz wydanie
Rok 2005 
Tom 4 
Numer 4

A Treatise on Military Weapons Containing the Radioactive Material: Depleted Uranium

Albrecht Schott
World Depleted Uranium Center, Germany

Damacio Lopez
International Depleted Uranium Study Team (IDUST)

John LaForge
Nukewatch Pathfinder

Marilyn Hoff

2005 4 (4) Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry


A look at the historical, legal, health and political issues surrounding the use of radioactive waste in military weapon. The United States (U.S.) and many other countries use the radioactive metal uranium-238, so-called “depleted uranium,” or DU, in military weapons systems, such as armor-piercing bullets, casings for bombs, shielding on tanks, counterweights and penetrators on missiles, and in cluster bombs, anti-personnel mines, and other anti-personnel weapons called dirty bombs. Beside uranium-238, DU also contains reprocessed nuclear reactor waste which is itself highly toxic and radioactive.

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APA style

Schott, Albrecht & Lopez, Damacio A. & LaForge, John & Hoff, Marilyn Gayle (2005). A Treatise on Military Weapons Containing the Radioactive Material: Depleted Uranium.

MLA style

Schott, Albrecht and Lopez, Damacio A. and LaForge, John and Hoff, Marilyn Gayle. „A Treatise On Military Weapons Containing The Radioactive Material: Depleted Uranium”. 2005. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, t. 4, nr 4, 2005, ss. 135-161.

Chicago style

Schott, Albrecht and Lopez, Damacio A. and LaForge, John and Hoff, Marilyn Gayle. „A Treatise On Military Weapons Containing The Radioactive Material: Depleted Uranium”. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 4, nr 4 (2005): 135-161.