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Central European Management Journal

Zobacz wydanie
Rok 2012 
Tom 20 
Numer 3

Rola uczelni w kształtowaniu postaw społecznych przyszłych menedżerów

Janina Filek
Cracow University of Economics

2012 20 (3) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.13


Purpose: the article is devoted to critical reflection on the present model of ethical education
of managers in Poland. It attempts to outline a model that could be adopted to meet
the current challenges of social change.

Design: the first part of the article is written from a philosophical perspective, which brings to mind the Greek Paideia. The second part is an attempt to analyze the imperfect Polish educational reality concerning the formation of future managers’ attitudes.

Findings: the author’s arguments focus on the proposal to transform the “educational” teaching system of ethics into a “social interaction” one.

Originality: in the summary, the author presents specific actions to be taken at Polish universities so they can quickly move from the traditional model of managers’ education to a modern pro-social model of education based on social interaction.

Kompletne metadane

Cytowanie zasobu

APA style

Filek, Janina (2012). Rola uczelni w kształtowaniu postaw społecznych przyszłych menedżerów. https://doi.org/10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.13

MLA style

Filek, Janina. Filek, J. . „Rola Uczelni W Kształtowaniu Postaw Społecznych Przyszłych Menedżerów”. 2012. Central European Management Journal, t. 20, nr 3, 2012, ss. 26-41.

Chicago style

Filek, Janina. Filek, Janina . „Rola Uczelni W Kształtowaniu Postaw Społecznych Przyszłych Menedżerów”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 20, nr 3 (2012): 26-41. doi:10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.13.