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Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

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Rok 2012 
Tom 10 
Numer 3

Theocracy: A Continuing Challenge to Post-Modernism. How Democracy Requires a Post-Modern Attitude for the Positive Evolution of Global Society

Mike Whitty
University of San Francisco and the University of Detroit Mercy

Jerry Biberman
University of Scranton

2012 10 (3) Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry


Democracy needs to defend itself from the many immediate threats - technology, imperialism, global economic powers, human passivity and reactionary religion. Reactionary religion has taken the lead worldwide in rejecting pluralism and democracy, viewing both values as gateways to secularism and decadence. Both modernism and postmodernism have failed to fully address the success of the continued political advances of the religious right worldwide. A new, postmodern politics of meaning is needed to address basic human needs currently served by the cosmology of traditional religious orthodoxy. Progressive thinkers in philosophy, religion and in critical theory must work dialectically to retain the good of religion and spirituality, the need for ultimate meaning, and the challenge of reducing negative, anti-democratic impulses. These impulses are embodied in theocracy and a fear of life. Until religion is totally reinvented or evolves to a higher level we will have to defend many democratic values from religious extremists. A live and let live political philosophy is a good defense of democracy.

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APA style

Whitty, Mike & Biberman, Jerry (2012). Theocracy: A Continuing Challenge to Post-Modernism. How Democracy Requires a Post-Modern Attitude for the Positive Evolution of Global Society .

MLA style

Whitty, Mike and Biberman, Jerry. „Theocracy: A Continuing Challenge To Post-Modernism. How Democracy Requires A Post-Modern Attitude For The Positive Evolution Of Global Society ”. 2012. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, t. 10, nr 3, 2012, ss. 53-58.

Chicago style

Whitty, Mike and Biberman, Jerry. „Theocracy: A Continuing Challenge To Post-Modernism. How Democracy Requires A Post-Modern Attitude For The Positive Evolution Of Global Society ”. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 10, nr 3 (2012): 53-58.