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Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

Zobacz wydanie
Rok 2015 
Tom 13 
Numer 3

Maps of organizational learning in regional development projects: Stories, objects and places

Kenneth Jørgensen
Aalborg University

Anja Thomassen
Aalborg University

2015 13 (3) Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry


This article presents the idea of mapping organizational learning as a way of doing organizational ethnography. It suggests that organizational learning is a (re)assemblage of human and non-human and material and immaterial forces that reverberate in networks of lived stories. Mapping is suggested as a process of collecting and writing about lived stories as they emerge in different historical, geographical and material conditions. It is seen as a way of capturing a dynamic, changing and unfolding network of stories that are tied together, but are still disparate from one another. The article ties the idea of mapping to regional development projects concerned with the actualization of the bio-economy.

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APA style

Mølbjerg Jørgensen, Kenneth & Overgaard Thomassen, Anja (2015). Maps of organizational learning in regional development projects: Stories, objects and places.

MLA style

Mølbjerg Jørgensen, Kenneth and Overgaard Thomassen, Anja. „Maps Of Organizational Learning In Regional Development Projects: Stories, Objects And Places”. 2015. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, t. 13, nr 3, 2015, ss. 57-69.

Chicago style

Mølbjerg Jørgensen, Kenneth and Overgaard Thomassen, Anja. „Maps Of Organizational Learning In Regional Development Projects: Stories, Objects And Places”. Tamara: Journal For Critical Organization Inquiry, Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 13, nr 3 (2015): 57-69.