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Central European Management Journal

Zobacz wydanie
Rok 6/2021 
Tom 29 
Numer 2

Socially Responsible Human Resource Management and Voluntary Environmental Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Ecocentric Leadership

Md. Al-Amin
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University

Refa Akter
Rangamati Science and Technology University

Ayesha Akter
University of Chittagong

Md. Uddin
University of Chittagong

Abdullah Mamun
University of Chittagong

6/2021 29 (2) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.49


Purpose: The study examines the influence of socially responsible human resource management (SRHRM) on employees’ voluntary environmental behavior (VEB), and it tests the moderating effect of ecocentric leadership (EL).

Design/Method: We adopted deductive reasoning in a positivist paradigm by applying quantitative analytical techniques and structural equation modeling. We selected 187 respondents from clothing industry through a self-administered questionnaire survey in Chattogram, the commercial capital of Bangladesh.

Findings: The outcomes revealed that both SRHRM and EL influence VEB. However, the moderation analysis indicated that EL negatively intervenes in the effect of SRHRM on VEB.

Implications: One of the essential contributions of our study is its development of the knowledge related to valuing, developing, and measuring SRHRM’s contribution to improving VEB in a moderated model with the help of EL to ensure long-term sustainability.

Originality: Very little is known about the importance of SRHRM in fostering employees’ voluntary environmental behavior, so this study will be one of the first to examine the topic. Moreover, the moderating effect of EL posits that its interaction effect is not substantial in stimulating voluntary environmental behavior if organizations can institutionalize SRHRM.


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Cytowanie zasobu

APA style

Md. Al-Amin & Akter, Refa & Akter, Ayesha & Md. Aftab Uddin & Abdullah Al Mamun (2021). Socially Responsible Human Resource Management and Voluntary Environmental Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Ecocentric Leadership. https://doi.org/10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.49

MLA style

Md. Al-Amin and Akter, Refa and Akter, Ayesha and Md. Aftab Uddin and Abdullah Al Mamun. „Socially Responsible Human Resource Management And Voluntary Environmental Behavior: The Moderating Effect Of Ecocentric Leadership”. 6/2021n.e. Central European Management Journal, t. 29, nr 2, 2021, ss. 147-168.

Chicago style

Md. Al-Amin and Akter, Refa and Akter, Ayesha and Md. Aftab Uddin and Abdullah Al Mamun. „Socially Responsible Human Resource Management And Voluntary Environmental Behavior: The Moderating Effect Of Ecocentric Leadership”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 29, nr 2 (2021): 147-168. doi:10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.49.