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Central European Management Journal

Zobacz wydanie
Rok 2017 
Tom 25 
Numer 1

Sources of Strategic Information in Farm Management in Poland. Study Results

Jacek Jaworski
WSB University in Gdańsk

Katarzyna Sokołowska
WSB University in Gdańsk

Tomasz Kondraszuk
Warsaw University of Live Sciences

2017 25 (1) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.191


Purposes: The main goal of the paper is to determine the signifcance of selected sources of strategic information, used by Polish farmers in decision making. In addition, an attempt was made to determine the factors impacting the evaluation of those sources among the traits of the farmer and his farm.

Methodology: Data was gathered using the questionnaire method and analysed with standard tools of descriptive statistics.

Findings: The farmers deemed personalised sources of strategic information the most important, especially agricultural advisers, input suppliers and buyers of agricultural products. From among institutional (non-personalised) sources, local government and the chamber of agriculture were signifcant. Business information agencies and survey companies are the least important sources for farmers. The characteristics of the surroundings of the farm – specifcally, its geographic location and the size of settlement where it is located proved to have the widest impact on the evaluation of the sources included in the study. From among the organisational factors, only farm size has a signifcant impact.

Research limitations/implications: The study was confned to a representative group of farmers in Poland. A closed list of sources of strategic information was used.

Originality/value: The study results contribute to the knowledge on the functioning of Polish agriculture and may also be used in comparative studies, characterising this sector’s diversity within Europe. They can in turn contribute to properly focusing on supporting the policy of balanced agriculture development in the EU.


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  147. Jaska, E. (2012). Media a pozostałe źródła informacji na obszarach wiejskich. Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, XV(1): 76–81. [Google Scholar]
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  158. Lin, Y., Cole, Ch. and Dalkir, K. (2014). The relationship between perceived value and information source use during KM strategic decision-making: A study of 17 Chinese business managers, Information Processing and Management, 50: 156–174, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2013.07.006 [Google Scholar]
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  161. Ngathou, I.N., Bukenya, J.O. and Chembezi, D.M. (2006), Managing Agricultural Risk: Examining Information Sources Preferred by Limited Resource Farmers. Journal of Extension, 44(6), http://www.joe.org/joe/2006december/a2.php [Google Scholar]
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  206. Jaska, E. (2012). Media a pozostałe źródła informacji na obszarach wiejskich. Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, XV(1): 76–81. [Google Scholar]
  207. Jaworski, J., Sokołowska, K. and Kondraszuk, T. (2015). Znaczenie informacji strategicznej w zarządzaniu gospodarstwem rolniczym. Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobizesu, XVII(3): 164–170. [Google Scholar]
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  211. King, D.W. and Griffths, J. (1991). Indicators of the use, usefulness and value of scientifc and technical information. Online Information 1991 Conference. Oxford. [Google Scholar]
  212. Kondraszuk, T. (2005). Rolniczy kalendarz rachunkowy jako element systemu zarządzania wiedzą w gospodarstwie indywidualnym. In: M. Adamowicz (ed.), Zarzadzanie wiedzą w agrobiznesie w warunkach Polskiego członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej. Warsaw: SGGW. [Google Scholar]
  213. Kroll, S. and Forsman, R. (2010). A slice of research life: Information suport for research in the United States. Ohio: OCLC Research, Dublin, http://www.oclc.org/research. [Google Scholar]
  214. Krzyżanowska, K. (2012). Źródła fachowych informacji w opinii rolników. Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, XV(2): 182–186. [Google Scholar]
  215. Lin, Y. and Dalkir, K. (2010). Factors affecting KM implementation in the Chinese community. International Journal of Knowledge Management, 6(1): 1–22, https://doi.org/10.4018/jkm.2010103001 [Google Scholar]
  216. Lackman, C., Saban, K. and Lanasa, J. (2000). The contribution of market intelligence to tactical and strategic business decisions. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 18(1): 6–8, https://doi.org/10.1108/02634500010308530 [Google Scholar]
  217. Lin, Y., Cole, Ch. and Dalkir, K. (2014). The relationship between perceived value and information source use during KM strategic decision-making: A study of 17 Chinese business managers, Information Processing and Management, 50: 156–174, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2013.07.006 [Google Scholar]
  218. Maik, R., Gołoś, A., Szczerbacz, K. and Walkiewicz, P. (2010). Strategiczne źródła informacji w działalności przedsiębiorstw. Raport z badania (Strategic information sources in business operations. Study report), Warszawa: PARP. [Google Scholar]
  219. Meadow, C. and Yuan, W. (1997). Measuring the impact of information: Defning the concepts. Information Processing, & Management, 33(6): 697–714, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0306-4573(97)00042-3 [Google Scholar]
  220. Ngathou, I.N., Bukenya, J.O. and Chembezi, D.M. (2006), Managing Agricultural Risk: Examining Information Sources Preferred by Limited Resource Farmers. Journal of Extension, 44(6), http://www.joe.org/joe/2006december/a2.php [Google Scholar]
  221. Noorderhaven, N. (1995). Strategic decision making. Wokingham: Addison-Wesley Pub. Cy. [Google Scholar]
  222. Ortmann, G.F., Patrick, G.F., Musser, W.N. and Doster, D.H. (1993). Use of private consultants and other sources of information by large cornbelt farmers. Agribusiness, 9: 391–402, https://doi.org/10.1002/1520-6297(199307)9:4<391::AID-AGR2720090409>3.0.CO;2-K [Google Scholar]
  223. Penc, J. (1994). Strategie zarządzania. Perspektywiczne myślenie. Systemowe działanie. Warsaw: Placet. [Google Scholar]
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  228. Sachdev, H.J. and Bello, D.C. (2014). The effect of transaction cost antecedents on control mechanisms: Exporters’ psychic distance and economic knowledge as moderators. International Business Review, 23(2): 440–454, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2013.07.003 [Google Scholar]
  229. Shannon, C.E. (1948). A Mathematical Theory of Communication. Bell Technical Journal, 27, July– October, https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1538-7305.1948.tb01338.x [Google Scholar]
  230. Schnitkey, G., Batte, M., Jones, E., and Botomogno, J. (1992). Information preferences of Ohio commercial farmers: Implications for extension. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 74: 486–496, https://doi.org/10.2307/1242503 [Google Scholar]
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  236. Zimmer, J.C., Henry, R.M. and Butler, B. (2008). Determinants of the use of relational and nonrelational information sources. Journal of Management Information Systems, 24(3): 297–331, https://doi.org/10.2753/MIS0742-1222240310 [Google Scholar]
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  242. Bouchet, M.-L., Hopkins, T., Kotherll, M. and McKnight, C. (1988). The impact of information source use on decision-making in the pharmaceutical industry. Library Management, 19(3): 196–206, https://doi.org/10.1108/01435129810693512 [Google Scholar]
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  244. Gloy, A. B., Akridge, J.T. and Whipker, L.D. (2000) Sources of information for commercial farms: usefulness of media and personal sources. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 3: 245–260, https://doi.org/10.1016/S1096-7508(01)00046-5 [Google Scholar]
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  246. Chmielecki, M. (2015). Factors Influencing Effectiveness of Internal Communication. Management and Business Administration. Central Europe, 23(2): 24–38. [Google Scholar]
  247. Choo, C.W. (2006). The knowing organization. How organizations use information to construct meaning, create knowledge, and make decisions. New York: Oxford University Press. [Google Scholar]
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  249. Citroen, Ch.L. (2011). The role of information in strategic decision-making. International Journal of Information Management, 31: 493–501. [Google Scholar]
  250. Ciszewska-Mlinarič, M. and Trąpczyński, P. (2016). The Psychic Distance Concept: A Review of 25 Years of Research (1990–2015). Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe, 24(2): 2–31. [Google Scholar]
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  338. Ngathou, I.N., Bukenya, J.O. and Chembezi, D.M. (2006), Managing Agricultural Risk: Examining Information Sources Preferred by Limited Resource Farmers. Journal of Extension, 44(6), http://www.joe.org/joe/2006december/a2.php [Google Scholar]
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  354. Zimmer, J.C., Henry, R.M. and Butler, B. (2008). Determinants of the use of relational and nonrelational information sources. Journal of Management Information Systems, 24(3): 297–331, https://doi.org/10.2753/MIS0742-1222240310 [Google Scholar]

Kompletne metadane

Cytowanie zasobu

APA style

Jaworski, Jacek & Sokołowska, Katarzyna & Kondraszuk, Tomasz (2017). Sources of Strategic Information in Farm Management in Poland. Study Results. https://doi.org/10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.191

MLA style

Jaworski, Jacek and Sokołowska, Katarzyna and Kondraszuk, Tomasz. Jaworski, J. , et al. „Sources Of Strategic Information In Farm Management In Poland. Study Results”. 2017. Central European Management Journal, t. 25, nr 1, 2017, ss. 98-120.

Chicago style

Jaworski, Jacek and Sokołowska, Katarzyna and Kondraszuk, Tomasz. Jaworski, Jacek , Katarzyna Sokołowska, i Tomasz Kondraszuk. „Sources Of Strategic Information In Farm Management In Poland. Study Results”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 25, nr 1 (2017): 98-120. doi:10.7206/jmba.ce.2450-7814.191.