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Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry

Aktualny numer

O czasopiśmie

About the Journal - Aims and Scope

Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal. Founded by David Boje in 2001, Tamara serves as a platform for critical inquiry and storytelling within the field of organization and management studies. It embraces a reflexive approach, understanding the stories that construct our organizational realities and the critical pedagogical framework that underpins them. Drawing upon the rich traditions of critical management studies and interpretive organization theory, the journal explores and interrogates the narratives and practices that shape and define contemporary institutions and systems.

Tamara encourages submissions that are deeply interdisciplinary, engaging with interpretive and critical theories and methodologies, feminist, humanistic and ecological perspectives, critical pedagogy, and postcolonial studies. The journal provides a space for the exploration of how these diverse disciplines intersect and inform each other, challenging linear modes of thinking and encouraging a profound dialogue on organizational practices.

Central to the mission of Tamara is the pursuit of ethical inquiry and the advocacy for social justice. The aim of the journal is to critically address the economic, social, and ethical dimensions of organizational practices, aiming to highlight and dissect the hegemonic powers and exploitative structures that pervade modern corporations and institutions.

Tamara targets a global readership, comprising academics, practitioners, and independent thinkers who are committed to studying, understanding and transforming the landscape of organizational science. The journal aims to influence both theory and practice, beyond borders, bring a community that is reflective, engaged, and dynamically opposed to the status quo.

We encourage to read David Boje Tamara manifesto that was published as a first article of the Journal, the article is available here.


Tamara is indexed by the Association of Business Schools (ABS) and Cabell's directories. We are currently working towards a broader recognition. 



Past Editors-in-Chief

  • David Boje, New Mexico State University, United States
  • Dariusz Jemielniak, Kozminski University, Poland
  • Pawel Krzyworzeka, Kozminski University, Poland


    • Anna Maria Górska
    • Monika Kostera

      Associate Editors

      Ilaria Boncori, University of Essex, United Kingdom
      Rajeshwari Chennangodu,Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, India
      Gosia Ciesielska, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
      Daniel Ericsson, Linnaeus University, Sweden
      Hoda Jebellie, University of Teheran, Iran
      Jerzy Kociatkiewicz,Institut Mines-Télecom Business School, France
      Michał Krzykawski, University of Silesia, Poland
      Joan Francisco Matamoros Sanin, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS), Unidad Pacífico Sur
      Anexia Panayiotou, University of Cypus, Cyprus
      Annette Risberg, Inland School of Business and Social Sciences, Norway
      Luigi Maria Sicca, University of Naples Federico II
      Anke Strauss, Germany

      Book Review Editor
      Henriett Primeczm, Johannes Kepler University/JKU Business School/Institute of International Management, Austria

      Tor Paulson, Inland School of Business and Social Science, Norway

      Senior Editorial Board

      Helena Chmielewska-Szlajfer, Poland
      Jean-Francois Chanlat, France
      Henry Giroux, Canada
      Andrzej K. Koźmiński, Poland
      Paweł Krzyworzeka, Poland
      Hugo Letiche, Holland
      Stephen Linstead, United Kingdom
      Alfonso Montuori, USA
      Martin Parker, United Kingdom   
      Alison Pullen, Australia
      Carl Rhodes, Australia
      Martyna Śliwa, United Kingdom

      Editiorial Board
      Sophie Del Fa, Belgium
      Sanjiv Dugal, USA
      Kenneth N. Ehrensal       
      Steve Fuller, United Kingdom
      Anna Giza, Poland
      Nancy Harding, United Kingdom
      Yue Cai Hillon, USA
      AD Jankowicz, United Kingdom
      Tommy Jensen, Sweden
      Trine Susanne Johansen, Denmark
      Christine Nascherger, France
      Mustafa Ozbilgin, United Kingdom


        Dla autorów

        Information for Authors

        We invite contributions that challenge conventional perspectives, offer new theoretical insights, and provide empirical studies that critique the contemporary organizational forms. Articles that advance reflexive analyses of managerialism, consumerism, and materialism. Papers promoting awareness of the ethical dimensions of organizational behavior are particularly welcomed.

        Through scholarship embracing highest scientific integrity and a commitment to critical discourse, Tamara aspires to shape the future of organization studies, providing a reflexive and critical lens through which to view the interplay of power and narrative in shaping our world.

        All submissions will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. Accepted  articles are published in Open Access, there are no submission or publication fees associated with the publication.

        Preparation of Manuscripts:

        Before submitting your manuscript to Tamara, please ensure that you thoroughly review and adhere to the guidelines outlined below. Additionally, you may find valuable insights in our guide on how to structure your journal submission, designed to assist you in preparing a compelling and compliant article.

        1. Style and Format:

        - Manuscripts must be typed in 12-point font, double-spaced, justified, and adhere to the APA (American Psychological Association) style guide for citations and formatting.

        - Number all figures and tables consecutively and include a descriptive title for each. Make sure to reference each figure and table within the text.

        - Heading hierarchy should be clear and consistent throughout the manuscript

        - All documents should be submitted in WORD or .pdf format

        - Article should include Title, Abstract, maximum of 5 keywords and follow the structure appropriate for the type of submission

         - Include a separate file of title page with the manuscript title, authors' names, affiliations, and a corresponding author's email address.

         - Ensure the manuscript includes an abstract of 100-150 words, summarizing the critical points of the paper.

        - Please remove your own citations and self-referencing until after review process is complete.

        2. Length of Submissions:

        - Articles should not exceed 10,000 words. This includes all texts: abstract, references, tables, and appendices. Please allow 280 words for each figure or table.

        - Commentary or book reviews should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words.

        3. Language and Tone:

        - Submissions must be in English, with high standards of grammar and clarity. Tamara values narrative style writing that maintains rigorous scholarly standards.

        - We encourage contributions from the "Writing Differently" movement, promoting unconventional forms of academic expression. Please consider following the guidelines of readable academic writing of the Writing Differently movement, that can be accessed here.

        4. Citation and Referencing:

        - Ensure that all sources are accurately cited and referenced within your manuscript to acknowledge the contributions and findings of others in your field.

        - Please adhere to the APA referencing style, ensuring to include the full names of all authors cited within your reference list.

        5. Responsibility and Ethics Guidelines

        - All submissions must be original works and not previously published in any form. They should not be under consideration or review by any other journal or publisher at the time of submission to Tamara.

        - Authorship Criteria: Include as authors only those individuals who have made substantial and meaningful contributions to the research and the manuscript preparation. Anyone who contributed but does not meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged separately in the acknowledgements section. Do not list as authors individuals who have not contributed to the manuscript, or who have opted not to be associated with the conducted research.

        - Use of AI Tools: While AI tools and Large Language Models (LLM), such as ChatGPT, cannot be credited as authors, any significant assistance from these technologies in the research or manuscript preparation should be transparently disclosed in the acknowledgements and described in the methods section with appropriate citations and references. Authors must take full responsibility for the content and integrity of the work.

        Usage of standard software for spelling and grammar corrections need not be disclosed and is not covered under this guidance.

        - Conflict of Interest: Authors must declare any potential conflicts of interest, including any reasons that may disqualify particular reviewers from evaluating the manuscript

        Submission Process:

        1. Initial Submission:

        - Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via the journal's submission system (Scholar One Manuscript). Link to submission: ScholarOne Manuscripts (manuscriptcentral.com)

        - Ensure that the manuscript is anonymized, removing any author names or affiliations from the text and document properties to facilitate blind peer review.

        2. Peer Review:

        The following outline describes the peer review process for this journal:

        • Identity transparency: Double-anonymized
        • Reviewer interacts with: Editor
        • Review information published: None

        Your manuscript will be subject to an initial evaluation by the Editors. At this stage it may be desk rejected without review if it does not match the aims and scope of the journal, if it does not make a contribution to the field, or if it is unsuitable. It may be returned to you for modifications prior to peer review.

        Papers are sent for peer review if the editors decide that they are suitable for undergoing further editing process. Authors can check the status of their submission online. They are notified when a decision has been reached.

        3. Final Submission:

        - Upon acceptance, submit a final copy that incorporates all revisions. Ensure that all graphical elements are high resolution and suitable for publication.

        4. Publication Ethics:

         - Authors must adhere to ethical standards concerning plagiarism, falsification of data, and double submission. Any potential conflict of interest must be declared upon submission.

        Information for reviewers

        As a reviewer for Tamara, your role is crucial in maintaining the high standards and integrity of the journal. Your evaluations are to help ensure that the articles we publish contribute meaningfully to the fields of organization studies. Below, we outline the expectations for the review process and the criteria by which manuscripts should be assessed.

        Reviewer Conduct:

        - Reviews should be constructive and focused on helping authors improve their work. Critiques should be detailed, clear, and supported by arguments, avoiding personal comments or undue criticism.

        - Even if a manuscript does not meet the publication standards, feedback should be polite and encouraging, aiding authors in understanding the gaps and potential improvements. Aggressive or disrespectful comments are strictly prohibited, and reviewers engaging in such behavior will be removed from our reviewer pool.

        - Please consider reading this publication on how to make a constructive review: Kostera, Monika (2022). Caring reviews. In Monika Kostera (Ed.), How to write differently (pp. 87-97). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800887732.00015

        Review Criteria:

        1. Originality:

        - Evaluate whether the manuscript offers new and significant insights that justify publication. Consider the novelty of the ideas, arguments, and outcomes presented.

        2. Contribution to Literature:

        - Assess the manuscript's engagement with existing literature. Does it adequately contextualize its arguments within the broader scholarly debate? Are all relevant sources appropriately acknowledged, and is there any significant work overlooked?

        3. Methodology:

        - Review the robustness of the methodology employed. Is the research design suitable for the questions posed? Are the methods well-explained and appropriate for achieving reliable and valid results?

        4. Results:

        - Determine the validity and reliability of the results presented. Are the findings well-supported by the data and analysis? Does the argument build logically on the evidence gathered?

        5. Quality of Communication:

         - Consider the clarity and appropriateness of the language used relative to the epistemological approach of the paper. Is the manuscript well-written and accessible to the journal's interdisciplinary audience?

        Dla recenzentów

        The following outline describes the peer review process for this journal:

        • Identity transparency: Double-anonymized
        • Reviewer interacts with: Editor
        • Review information published: None

        Your manuscript will be subject to an initial evaluation by the Editors. At this stage it may be desk rejected without review if it does not match the aims and scope of the journal, if it does not make a contribution to the field, or if it is unsuitable. It may be returned to you for modifications prior to peer review.

        Papers are sent for peer review if the editors decide that they are suitable for undergoing further editing process. Authors can check the status of their submission online. They are notified when a decision has been reached.

        - Upon acceptance, submit a final copy that incorporates all revisions. Ensure that all graphical elements are high resolution and suitable for publication.

        Information for reviewers

        As a reviewer for Tamara, your role is crucial in maintaining the high standards and integrity of the journal. Your evaluations are to help ensure that the articles we publish contribute meaningfully to the fields of organization studies. Below, we outline the expectations for the review process and the criteria by which manuscripts should be assessed.

        Reviewer Conduct:

        - Reviews should be constructive and focused on helping authors improve their work. Critiques should be detailed, clear, and supported by arguments, avoiding personal comments or undue criticism.

        - Even if a manuscript does not meet the publication standards, feedback should be polite and encouraging, aiding authors in understanding the gaps and potential improvements. Aggressive or disrespectful comments are strictly prohibited, and reviewers engaging in such behavior will be removed from our reviewer pool.

        - Please consider reading this publication on how to make a constructive review: Kostera, Monika (2022). Caring reviews. In Monika Kostera (Ed.), How to write differently (pp. 87-97). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800887732.00015


        Review Criteria:

        1. Originality:

        - Evaluate whether the manuscript offers new and significant insights that justify publication. Consider the novelty of the ideas, arguments, and outcomes presented.

        2. Contribution to Literature:

        - Assess the manuscript's engagement with existing literature. Does it adequately contextualize its arguments within the broader scholarly debate? Are all relevant sources appropriately acknowledged, and is there any significant work overlooked?

        3. Methodology:

        - Review the robustness of the methodology employed. Is the research design suitable for the questions posed? Are the methods well-explained and appropriate for achieving reliable and valid results?

        4. Results:

        - Determine the validity and reliability of the results presented. Are the findings well-supported by the data and analysis? Does the argument build logically on the evidence gathered?

        5. Quality of Communication:

         - Consider the clarity and appropriateness of the language used relative to the epistemological approach of the paper. Is the manuscript well-written and accessible to the journal's interdisciplinary audience?



        Abstrakty i indeksacja

        Tamara is indexed by the Association of Business Schools (ABS) and Cabell's directories. We are currently working towards a broader recognition.

        Standardy etyczne

        Responsibility and Ethics Guidelines

        - All submissions must be original works and not previously published in any form. They should not be under consideration or review by any other journal or publisher at the time of submission to Tamara.

        - Authorship Criteria: Include as authors only those individuals who have made substantial and meaningful contributions to the research and the manuscript preparation. Anyone who contributed but does not meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged separately in the acknowledgements section. Do not list as authors individuals who have not contributed to the manuscript, or who have opted not to be associated with the conducted research.

        -Use of AI Tools: While AI tools and Large Language Models (LLM), such as ChatGPT, cannot be credited as authors, any significant assistance from these technologies in the research or manuscript preparation should be transparently disclosed in the acknowledgements and described in the methods section with appropriate citations and references. Authors must take full responsibility for the content and integrity of the work.

        Usage of standard software for spelling and grammar corrections need not be disclosed and is not covered under this guidance.

        - Conflict of Interest: Authors must declare any potential conflicts of interest, including any reasons that may disqualify particular reviewers from evaluating the manuscript.