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Central European Management Journal

Show issue
Year 5/2023 
Volume 31 
Issue 1

Mazovia brand awareness among corporate customers: implications for local authorities

Katarzyna Młotkowska
Warsaw School of Economics

Izabela Kowalik
Warsaw School of Economics

5/2023 31 (1) Central European Management Journal

DOI 10.1108/CEMJ-10-2021-0114


Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine the region brand’s strength by measuring the awareness of the regional brand elements, associations and the perception of the region’s promotional activity in the corporate customers’ group.

Design/methodology/approach: To obtain the necessary data, this study conducted computer-assisted web interviewing on a sample of 151 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) registered in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship and engaged in furniture production and food and beverage production. Statistical data analysis included Pearson and Spearman’s rank correlation and chi-square tests.

Findings: The survey showed a high number of brand associations with the region of Mazovia, but the level of brand recognition was low. The awareness of the region’s logo among SMEs shows the strongest correlation with the belief that promotional activities increased the scope of company operations. Moreover, this evidences the perceived utility of the brand among those customers.

Practical implications: The regional authorities should invest more in the frequency of promoting the region among certain strongly engaged user groups to increase their brand awareness level. Furthermore, local authorities should try establishing an umbrella brand that would cover several sub-brands promoting separate industries in the region.

Originality/value: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study in Poland that focused on regional branding effects among entrepreneurs and using a quantitative method. The relationship between the studied entrepreneurs’ willingness to use the Mazovia brand and their range of operations indicates that some enterprises already enjoy greater trust thanks to the brand, which increases their loyalty toward the region.

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APA style

Młotkowska, Katarzyna & Kowalik, Izabela (2023). Mazovia brand awareness among corporate customers: implications for local authorities. https://doi.org/10.1108/CEMJ-10-2021-0114

MLA style

Młotkowska, Katarzyna and Kowalik, Izabela. “Mazovia Brand Awareness Among Corporate Customers: Implications For Local Authorities”. 5/2023AD. Central European Management Journal, vol. 31, no. 1, 2023, pp. 130-145.

Chicago style

Młotkowska, Katarzyna and Kowalik, Izabela. “Mazovia Brand Awareness Among Corporate Customers: Implications For Local Authorities”. Central European Management Journal, Central European Management Journal, 31, no. 1 (2023): 130-145. doi:10.1108/CEMJ-10-2021-0114.